Serving our vision

The Board of Directors approved the adoption of the revised strategy of Swiss Transfusion SRC in 2020. Implementation is underway. The Board became smaller following the resignation of several members.

Swiss Transfusion SRC is an autonomous organisation within the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) with the structure of a non-profit-making company limited by shares (gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft). The majority of its shares are owned by the SRC; the 11 regional blood transfusion services hold the remaining shares. Swiss Transfusion SRC is responsible for managing the blood supply on behalf of the SRC and holds a mandate from the Swiss Government for services in the area of blood stem cell donation.

In the shadow of Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic overshadowed much of 2020. Swiss Transfusion SRC was able to continue providing all of its services, thanks to support from the SRC and others. The SRC acted swiftly to provide supplies to protect transfusion staff and donors, for instance, and funded Swiss Transfusion SRC’s participation in a European study on convalescent plasma. The international network built up over the course of many years proved invaluable in the area of blood stem cell donation.

Strategy revised

In July 2020, the Board of Directors officially approved the revised strategy of Swiss Transfusion SRC, which is in line with the existing vision and mission. The strategy takes its cue from the SRC’s Strategy 2030, whose focuses include safe, high-quality and affordable services for the Swiss population, digitalisation and innovation, as well as strengthening the SRC umbrella brand.

Implementation ongoing

The strategic accents in the blood supply area are on the digitisation and interlinkage of services, a cost-effective national blood supply and the clear allocation of national and regional tasks. New cooperation agreements with the regional blood transfusion services were concluded in 2020 and entered into force on 1 January 2021. These agreements provide, for instance, for Swiss Transfusion SRC to be responsible for uniform blood donation standards and informational materials nationwide, while the blood transfusion services secure the regional supply of blood products.

The focus in the blood stem cell division was on a new recruitment strategy, being implemented since 1 April. Lowering the age limit for registration to 40 is an element of this strategy, as are new services relating to cellular therapies. In addition, as part of the effort to strengthen the SRC brand, the blood stem cell division no longer presents itself as Swiss Blood Stem Cells (SBSC) but instead uses the umbrella Swiss Transfusion SRC brand. The SBSC name continues to be used in communications among specialists though.

Swiss Transfusion SRC management

The management team at Swiss Transfusion SRC remained unchanged in 2020.

» To the overview

“The right donation for every patient” – our vision guides us and motivates us every day. In shop talk with our staff, in discussions within the management team and in our dealings with our national and international partner organisations. What matters is the well-being of patients and protecting donors.

Back row, from left: Soraya Amar, Grazia Nicoloso de Faveri, Felix Bussmann, Bruno Pfister,Franziska Kellenberger. Front row, from left: Anita Tschaggelar, Bernhard Wegmüller, Oliver Kürsteiner

Swiss Transfusion SRC Board of Directors

The Board acknowledged the resignation of five of its long-term members: Dr. med. Leda Leoncini-Franscini, Dr. iur. Jürg Peyer, PD Dr. med. Urs Schanz, Dr. med. Luzius Schmid and Prof. Dr. med. Erhard Seifried.

Following their departure, a conscious decision was taken to reduce the size of the board. Three of the vacancies were filled through the appointment of new members: PD Dr. med. Jörg Halter, Dr. med. Christof Jungbauer and Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Zollinger.

» To the overview